An iconic Moke for many people has been the promotional Moke customised to look like a Prime mover complete with tri-axle trailer parked in front of the Shell service station in Port Wakefield, South Australia. Having been missing for some years now it re-appeared for sale on eBay and Mavro took some pictures of the details.
Tasmanian Railway Mokes
- Last Updated: 20 July 2021 20 July 2021
Not a lot of information is about on the TasRail Mokes used in 1970's in Tasmania, just a few pictures a magazine article and a few fragments of their history has been found and only one Moke is known to have survived at this stage.
Driveline Systems Emergency Moke
- Last Updated: 07 August 2021 07 August 2021
Driveline Systems in Wodonga, Victoria were contacted about their Emergency Response Moke at their plant as part of the IMD 2007 promotions. The Moke was used daily and by how close the tyres are to the top of the guards it was carrying a fair weight even when the two models in orange overalls aren't standing on it. After plant closed down the Moke appeared in a couple of auction catalogues but not sure who bought it or what happened to it after that.
Kojonup Rail Moke
- Last Updated: 20 July 2021 20 July 2021
In the Great South West of Western Australia a small tourist railway operates a service using a Mini Moke as its engine while more conventional power is being restored.
Moke Ambulance
- Last Updated: 20 July 2021 20 July 2021
A Moke Ambulance in Hobart, Tasmania. Most likely the worlds only real Moke Ambulance is a part of the Ambulance Private Fleet in Hobart, Tasmania. Ambulance Private Owner David Watson was extremely generous in Feb 2007 when a dozen Moke nutters turned up on his doorstep to check out is latest addition.
Anything to add?
Perhaps you own or owned a Moke that is displayed on this page, if you do recognise any of the Mokes pictured here and can offer more information and or photos to help record their history then please get in touch via the contact page.