Just making sure they get counted for IMD 2014 in Tamworth.
This is nothing to do with our main event next weekend, but just in case the judges disqualify us for doing it on the wrong day, I thought I'd do something today and there didn't seem much point in starting an IMD Quirindi thread just for me . Also it's 26 degrees here with no wind and if there is a more perfect day for getting out in the Moke, I haven't seen it .
The Moke has probably moved a total of about 5km in the last couple of months, so took it out for about a 50km trip at 100kph(ish) to blow the dust off it and make sure all is OK before next weekend's run which will be more like 400km, and the big test over the Round Up where we typically clock up over 1,000km over the 5 days.
Happy to report that it's running beautifully, with the only problem being that I appear to have no lights or indicators, but there has to be something, right? . Luckily it's daylight and I had very few corners to turn as I was mostly out of town, so no problem (might have to look into it before next weekend though)
Just about drained the fuel tank as the local servo has recently upgraded their high octane pumps from 95 to 98, so wanted a full tank of 98 in it before next weekend to see if I can notice any difference.
Here's the obligatory photo as IMD proof. Total Mokes = 1