A great turn out. Many came in their Mini's. Some had Mokes not quite ready and even some stories of Collingwood supporters not able to face the daylight!

NorthEastVicInternationalMokeDay2010 7  NorthEastVicInternationalMokeDay2010 8
So off we all go and head up Dean St (the main street of Albury) in one convoy trying to negotiate all the traffic lights to stay in a bunch, then next stop was the Hume Weir and our Bethanga Bridge for photo or two.

International Moke Day 2010-9 International Moke Day 2010-0 International Moke Day 2010-1

Next stop was Betanga Look out.

International Moke Day 2010-2

Off to Granya. Lots of twisty bits.   Then though the Granya Cutting, Lots more twisty bits. Unfortunately Wifey couldn't take pics and squeeze the Jeezuz rail at the same time.

International Moke Day 2010-3

Lunch break at The Stump.

International Moke Day 2010-4

Then we went next door to the Latchford Army Barracks Museum. Gets bigger each year. But the star attraction........

International Moke Day 2010-5  International Moke Day 2010-6

150klms of great driving. Thanks to all who came including a surprise appearance from Les and Marg (Alpine Moke). Also a big thanks to the crew of NEMOGers who as always, help to make these drives a lot of fun.

Halfpint and Boydy