A very commonly asked question is "What size socket do I need to undo this bit?". Here's a list of all the bigger sockets you might come across.

FlywheelBoltFlywheel Bolt

Size. 1 1/2".

Torque to 110-115 ft/lbs.

Non standard thread - 16 tpi.



CVNutCV Joints

Discs - 1 5/16". (Can also be 1 1/4" or 34mm depending on the brand of CV).

Torque to 150 ft/lbs and check bearing preload. Use a 3/4 drive socket.

Drums - 1 1/8".

Torque to 60 ft/lbs.




Crank Pulley

1 5/16".

Torque to 70 ft/lbs.



BallJointBall Joints

1 1/2". Torque to 70 ft/lbs.

Non standard thread - 20 tpi.

Always use new lock washer. Will require a deep socket or ring spanner.





SteeringWheelSteering Wheel

1 5/16" (3/4 WW is a better fit - but hard to find).

Torque to 40 ft/lbs and use shakeproof washer.

Non standard thread - 28 tpi.





Rear Hub


Torque to 60 ft/lbs and check bearing preload.

Be aware passengers side is left hand thread.