As part of any Moke trip that involves straying a little further from home than usual then you should consider making sure you have stored on board an appropriate supply of spare parts for the expected trip.
This article is the first of series to help you pack the right things to make a breakdown on your next Moke trip and adventure and not a nightmare and unduly expensive.
It may sound strange but the most important thing that can be said about which spare parts to carry in your Moke is "Carry spare parts that fit Your Moke" as the wrong part is just a waste of space and unnecessary weight and more importantly provides a false sense of being properly prepared. For each of the parts listed in this and other related articles, consider cross checking what you plan to carry with the item currently fitted to your vehicle just to be sure and where practical or if you are unsure you can even swap the part out for your spare.
And the second most important thing to know when preparing to carry spare parts is to where possible you make sure you have the tools required to fit the part or at least confirm someone you may be travelling with will have the tool to help you, but sometimes better if you build up your own tool kit for the Moke. For some parts that are going to leave you stranded it may be prudent to carry them so if you have issues you maybe be able to get to a service or repair place that can replace the item for you.
The next thing to consider when choosing which parts to carry is how practical is it going to be fix the item if you become stranded and do you have the required associated parts and tools to make the repair a feasible option. As an example I used to carry a spare oil pump however I didn't carry anything to get the flywheel off or a spare gasket for the transfer housing and I had no idea if the pump I was carrying even had the right drive fitting for the Cam in the engine at that time. So consider the part and then work through what other parts and tools are required to make a roadside repair and either pack them or leave the part at home.
Depending on the nature of the trip and whether you are going it alone, even in just for some of the trip, or travelling with an organised group you should plan to share tools and parts while at the same time making sure you have a the basics to get you out of trouble if you are on your own. For example, most of the Outback Travel advice will say to carry two spare wheels/tyres and if you are doing prolonged travel out there by yourself then you should carry two spare wheels however in a group situation the practical solution is to each carry one wheel and be prepared to share your spare wheel if someone is unfortunate to have two flat in a small time frame. Carry a set of nuts for both the Sunraysia and pressed steel rim. For many of the larger items or those less inclined to cause you to be stranded just organising to have one or two amongst the group makes good sense.
If some of the parts on your Moke might be considered unique or non standard and unlikely to be carried by others then you need to assess whether you should be carrying your own parts to ensure you are self sufficient. Things like electronic ignitions, Weber carbies, gemini starters, alloy wheels and anything that is considered a departure from the factory option where no one else is likely to be carry the part to suit your vehicle is a candidate to be your responsibility.
Second hand parts vs New is an old chestnut when discussing what to take and really it comes down to the individual and their budget but every part on your car becomes second hand the moment you start the Moke up or drive it somewhere and in some cases the quality of new parts these days make used parts a valid option. When choosing parts consider the work involved in replacing the part, the costs of the part and the likelihood of it failing again and then do what you consider best. Sometimes you may replace a part because you are unsure so you carry the part you have removed, just in case, or maybe you carry the new part with the expectation if the part needs to be replaced en route then you are prepared to do so.
Spare parts, and tools if you like, need to be stored in a way to protect them from water and dampness that inevitably gets into the side boxes and floor area of the Moke. The technique I use is the wrap the part in a sheet or two of newspaper to dull sharp edges and then place the wrapped part in a Ziplock sandwich bag or the larger versions. If it is not obvious what the part is, I sometime drop a piece of paper int he bag too that identifies the part.
Tools and their security can be a problem in Mokes so you need to adapt things to your own circumstances and this needs to be weighted against convenience and access. If you have the ability to take a Tool box then I prefer the plastic ones as they are quieter and resist the water and do less damage to the body/paint. A material or canvas type bag or wrap is another way to carry tools but care should be taken to keep them as dry as possible in the Moke.
For convenience I carry a couple of types of screwdrivers and the 3/8 -7/16 & 1/2 9/16 spanners on the dash shelf as they are the most likely to get used and then rest are in a tool box stored in the back which is easy to get at. For th bigger and special purpose tools they live in a side box.