Dr Hose Ramos Horta was the public face in exile and key player in the independence of Timor-Leste and once returned to his home country was seen tootling around in his blue Moke in the media, even surviving an assassination attempt near his Moke I believe. I have shared a few emails with Mr Horta who told me the Moke was purchased by a friend of his in Adelaide and fixed up and sent over to Timor-Leste. Showing his credentials as a true Moke owner, he was playing the sympathy card looking for cheap parts for a 'poor Moke owner'. Photos to come.
Anything to add?
Perhaps you own or owned a Moke that is displayed on this page, if you do recognise any of the Mokes pictured here and can offer more information and or photos to help record their history then please get in touch via the contact page.