Melbourne IMD 2017 - Moks meeting up at Wallan

Seven Mokes and occupants made it out for IMD Melbourne on a cool and windy drive around the hills to the north of Melborune.

Despite a fairly blustery and chilly day and no bargains at the swap meet we still managed to attract 7 Mokes for a drive today. First photo is everyone at the meeting point before we depart for a quick trip around the corner to visit a few projects in a fellow Moker's garage.

Melbourne I MD 2017 - The Mokeslined up ready to go.

Present were Melbourne Rob, Peter H, Trevor and Sirkka, I, Geoff braving the day with no hood, Coxy and Collette and Robbie on the end. And Richard opened his garages for us.

From Wallan we then headed up the main road to Broadford before turning left onto some roads I have never been on before today so that was good to see some more back roads and avoid the crowds. The Lunch stop was Tallarook, a little place bypassed by the Hume Highway a long time ago, and while some hit up the pub for a feed the rest of us went to the genrral store for a nibble and chat. For here we heading around to Strath Creek where someone had burnt down the general store since I was last there.

Someone burnt down the general store at Strath Creek. MelbourneIMD2017 450 4

I then I led the group off to follow some signs for a place I had never been to but always wondered exactly what was down this track near Strath Creek. The Village Green is a cricket ground 5km off into the hills along a dirt road and amazingly there was a genuine cricket match going on between the Fitzroy Lions and East Doncaster which is more remarkable when you consider it is 85km from their home grounds in a straight line and a lot further by road. It was a real step back in time  with a decent museum happening in the club rooms. A real gem of a find for IMD Melbourne this year.
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Then it was back to Broadford for some fuel and we south with people peeling off towards home.