IMD-Flag-AustraliaThe inaugural Quirindi IMD - The 2010 Moke event which is second only to the Round Up in Tamworth on the following week!!!
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This is the IMD event to be seen at people!!!

The inaugural Quirindi IMD - The 2010 Moke event which is second only to the Round Up in Tamworth on the following week!!!

Activities include:

See the famous "Galifornian Rat"

Meet the infamous Smoken and SWOMBY

Have a ride in the scarey '79 Cali. Check out my avatar for evidence of how much fun that is  

* No pesky brakes to intrude on the true Moking experience.
* Plumes of authentic blue Leyland smoke follow you wherever you go.
* Rust riddled bits subject to fall off at any time.

See the incredible Gnome in it's raw state. When it is finally finished you will be able to say "I saw that when it was a hacked out shell and a couple of buckets of bits!!!"

Free tea and coffee

I will do "bacon butties" if someone explains to me what the pommie/aussie translation is If it has bacon it must be good 

Newie the Moke event co-ordinator