International Moke Day 2011 North East VictoriaWell here we are again, IMD 2011. Unfortunately many in this area are away or working and then some have "Mokes in Progress" like all areas I'm sure.

Main street of Beechworth, all ready for a coffee at the bakery. Boydy, me and Alpine.

Mrs Alpine, Mrs Boydy, Mrs Halfpint and 1/2 halfpint(who at 13 is already taller than both of us) waiting to go to the Bakery.

Must be at 40 Mokes in this shot ::) So, is this the most mokes in a single shot on the day ;D ;D ::)

Heading towards the Beechworth Gorge

After the run through the Gorge, it was back to Beechworth for Lunch at Tanswells Pub ;D Yum.
Great company all day, Mokes went well, terrific weather and as always, a fun drive.

Ps. After getting home at 3pm, had to go to work for Arvo shift and was greeted with a big " Happy International Moke Day" from my work mates 8) ;D ;D

Cheers everyone, and thanks for all the pics and stories from each of the groups, their terrific.
It would be hard to pick a "Best Photo" from all of of them cause all of them are tops 8)
