International Moke Day 2011 NSW South Coast

With other plans having fallen through, we decided to go it solo today. The weather was impossibly bleak, pouring rain and miserable, but we made the most of IMD anyway. We did a round trip of around 130kms, travelling from the Coast over 2 mountain ranges, through picturesque Kangaroo Valley and onto Fitzroy Falls, and then back home again.

The road that traverses the mountains, Moss Vale Rd, is a good Moking road. It has lots of nice tight bends and a number of hairpins. It’s quite steep in places and with the exception of a couple of bends, is banked fairly well. In good weather the view throughout is wondrous.

Mazy displayed the poster:

Historic Hampden Bridge:

Daily of the day:

We did drive the long, steep, winding and narrow drive to the Mt Cambewarra Lookout knowing that in the prevailing weather conditions the view from the top would be zero, but, hey, there we were, passing right by....  on a good day you can see for miles, all the way out to Jervis Bay. Whilst there, I think the Moke was what took the stares of those few others brave enough to be there, with thoughts probably of how such a car, sitting there on the mountain top in the low cloud and rain was totally at odds with the weather! It did bring smiles!

Mt Cambewarra Lookout (!):

Grandpa's Shed Collectables & Old Wares:

Our stop in Fitzroy Falls was at an Antiques/Old Wares barn type store that sits alone by the side of Moss Vale Rd just out of the Barrengarry Mountains. This place, full of curios, is always worth a visit, and they make the best cappuccino... We got to park Mazy right beside the ‘Old Wares’ banner in the parking lot which was apt!

We had a good day.... we were in the Moke
