Melbourne and Geelong
A combined effort for the groups from Melbourne and Geelong taking a run together out to Ballarat for a Lunch and BBQ and a return drive to Melbourne. More information can be found at The Mokes Inc Forum or the Moke Oweners Association website
Contact Terry 0409 942 896 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
South Australia
Latest for SA IMD 2011 is that all Mokers meet at 8.00am ay Kmart Kurraltu Park for Line up and photos and chat.
Then the two current options are those that want to stay and watch the Bay to Birdwood and tag along after to Birdwood can.
And the other option is a drive to Normanville for lunch at the pub, probably leave Kmart around 10.00am.
Those that want to go to Normy let me know so I can make a booking at the Pub.
Follow the details here on The Mokes Inc Forum
There are a couple of IMD events happening in Sydney this year that I am aware of. First is to be a part of a Vintage Car Rally drive and display and current information can be found on The Mokes Inc Forum.
There is another group organising a day out via the events section of Ausmini,
I am not aware of any events yet planned for the South Coast or Newcastle areas but there is usually something happening in these areas, please let me know if you are planning to do something in these areas.
This year there appears to be two events happening, one for people in the North and one for people in the south rather than the past form of meeting up in the middle. Follow this discussion to decide which one best suits you.
Perth, Western Australia
West Australians (Perth)are meeting on the 25th September at 10.30am at Centrepoint car park in Midland and driving to a surprise location for a bit of lunch and then drive back. Destination could be Humpty Doo or Townsville but there again it could be closer! Any more details then please phone Bridget Hogarth on 08 92933294 or follow the discussion online
All I am aware of is this suggested Itinerary for Team Queensland, "How about trip via Beaudesert to Mt tambourine then across to coast for lunch. Drive north along the coast get a coffee along the way, maybe walk to king island if the tides are right." To get the latest check out The Mokes Inc Forum
It would be good to hear from someone who wants to organise events in places like the Sunshine Coast and further north such as a rumour i hear something is happening in Cairns but nothing formally passed on to me.
North East Victoria
Not a lot of details on this one but mentions a run to Wangaratta for lunch and more information can be found here