This is it!
The one day of the year that all Moke owners
around the world celebrate their Moke!
In the past there have been groups of up to
20 or more Mokes in one place !
Lets try to beat that record!
I need ALL of you to jump into your Moke and head to the Oval on the corner of Heidelberg Rd and Yarra Bend Rd (Known as the Fairfield Cricket Club Oval) and we'll start the ball rolling on a bit of a drive. We're not going on a mega cruise—its more of a get together and photo opportunity!
So—bring your own Moke, family, lunch, camera, drinks, etc and meet at 10.30am for International Moke Day—Melbourne 2013.
Now the rules with IMD is that if you CANNOT make it to the trip or any other pre-arranged or spontaneous MOA or Moke trip then you MUST sit in or sit on your Moke, take it for a drive, work on it, look at it, talk to it (?), take a picture of it or do SOMETHING to let your Moke know that it is special~!
I expect a lot of pics next month of YOU and YOUR Moke! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.