For people who don't understand Mokes the idea of driving to the other side of the country is just insane, however for people who enjoy their mokes then it is going to be the best adventure they could ever have. To help you understand what is being planned this article covers the the itinerary, meeting points, the over night stops and accommodation options until we reach Club Kennel on the first weekend in Western Australia. This is subject to change as planning progresses.
The assembly point for people heading over from the eastern states is going to be Quorn, a small town about 40km north or Port Augusta, where we plan to leave from first thing on Tuesday morning. This should give most people 3-4 days to get there from places like Brisbane and Sydney assuming they leave late Friday or early Saturday morning. If you and your Moke have made it to Quorn then you should be fairly confident of making it across to WA and back.
Quorn was chosen as the meeting point as it is a small touristy town at the base of the Flinders Ranges which can be used as base for people who arrive early and may want to look around some of the local attractions like Wilpena Pound or Pitchie Ritchie Railway. Unlike meeting in a place like Port Augusta, Quorn will make it easier to find people and see new arrivals and by the time you get there the extra 40km will seem like ducking down the shops for milk.
Leaving Tuesday morning we have until early to mid Saturday to reach Club Kennel, a small town on the main highway a few hours east of Perth and in that time we need to cover approximately 2000km. The trip over isn't just about driving and the plan is to take in as many of the scenic options as possible along the way as those driving back probably wont have time to take in the sights.
Overnight stops will be a mix of options from bush camps away from a service centre or camping, cabins or motel style accommodation at the towns along the way. Closer to the event the daily distances and overnight stops will be confirmed so people who wish to book a room or cabin can do so. For this part of the event we would expect to be covering around 600km a day, including sight seeing and side trips, and the cruising speed will be around 85-90kph depending on head winds etc so it shouldn't be too hard on the Mokes or its occupants.It will be ealry starts and quick stops for food and fuel to keep things moving along briskly.
For those who are not familiar with our style of group travel it is in close convoy, we don't travel alone and meet up at the end of the day like some groups, and should anyone have problems the whole group stops and no one gets left behind. Depending on numbers we may break up into smaller groups when on the road to suit traffic conditions and sightseeing options each day.
Once we reach Club Kennel we hope to have camping with facilities available or some accomodatin options in town.