Author Topic: IMD Quirindi  (Read 6286 times)

Offline Newie

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IMD Quirindi
« on: September 08, 2010, 10:11:05 PM »
This is the IMD event to be seen at people!!!

The inaugural Quirindi IMD - The 2010 Moke event which is second only to the Round Up in Tamworth on the following week!!!

Activities include:

See the famous "Galifornian Rat"

Meet the infamous Smoken and SWOMBY

Have a ride in the scarey '79 Cali. Check out my avatar for evidence of how much fun that is  :D
* No pesky brakes to intrude on the true Moking experience.
* Plumes of authentic blue Leyland smoke follow you wherever you go.
* Rust riddled bits subject to fall off at any time.

See the incredible Gnome in it's raw state. When it is finally finished you will be able to say "I saw that when it was a hacked out shell and a couple of buckets of bits!!!"

Free tea and coffee

I will do "bacon butties" if someone explains to me what the pommie/aussie translation is  ???  If it has bacon it must be good  ;D

Newie the Moke event co-ordinator

EDIT: I was all this set to put this on the IMD board, but then thought I would limit the advertising to the select audience on The Couch. Don't want to take too much away from the established events in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne etc.
1966 Moke - "The Gnome" Current work in progress
1979 Californian - Going, but a long long long way from roadworthy.
Plus a couple of other garden gnomes for parts

I'm a genius in disguise............It's a bloody good disguise-no one ever suspects a thing

Offline CabSav

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 10:31:51 PM »
Bugga that Newie -

its moke orientated, got the bestest mokers at it -
therefore qualifies as a brilliant example of an International Moke Day event!

I will have to sadly decline the invite though -
a tad too far for me to travel!

But do wish i could be there

Only for the bacon butties though -
met Smoken and Struth ( :P ::) ;D)
Been there....
Done that....

Offline SMOKEN

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2010, 10:59:02 PM »
 ;D ;D wouldn't miss it for the world. ;D ;D

SWOMBY won't let me, I have to go to a stupid Wedding. :(

Offline Newie

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2010, 11:12:44 PM »
Glad to hear it Smokey  :D

(I'd have to seriously re-write the post minus the star attractions  :-[)

1966 Moke - "The Gnome" Current work in progress
1979 Californian - Going, but a long long long way from roadworthy.
Plus a couple of other garden gnomes for parts

I'm a genius in disguise............It's a bloody good disguise-no one ever suspects a thing

Offline Newie

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2010, 10:52:14 PM »
Well, the event was downsacaled somewhat here, but went ahead nonetheless with one Moke being woken up from it's slumber for the run around the local Moke track.

Had all the most important aspects of an IMD event anyway - Moke was taken for a drive, good time had by all, plenty of pics  :).

Off to a dodgy start with a considerable quantity of Aerostart needed to start proceedings and a lot of muttering from kids about having a major impact on the global warming situation when we did finally get it to keep running (it was a clear sunny day in case you were wondering)

Still, all good in the end and after a thumbs up from the co-pilot, chocks were released and we headed off into the wide "blue" yonder

Daughter still seems a bit concerned about the "no brakes" aspect. No faith!!!

Still, the day passed without incident. Only concern is that I'm fairly sure motor is blowing more smaoke than it did last time. Seems to have developed a miss too. Not a major problem as I have a feeling the motor may need a bit of a touch up before it is registered anyway  ::)

1966 Moke - "The Gnome" Current work in progress
1979 Californian - Going, but a long long long way from roadworthy.
Plus a couple of other garden gnomes for parts

I'm a genius in disguise............It's a bloody good disguise-no one ever suspects a thing

Offline Maddog

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2010, 11:27:01 PM »
Good one Newie!! That smoke should get rid of the mozzies for a while! ;D

Where's the photo's of the Gnome? And did you have any "bacon butties"?

Cheers, MD.
Mickey 81 Californian Arnold 82 Californian Baldy 82 Californian Ron 79 Califakian Eskymoke 82 Californian

I always wanted to die in my Moke at 100......... unfortunately it won't do more than 80!

Offline 77Devil

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2010, 12:38:24 PM »
Great stuff Newie,
That's the spirit, get in and have some fun.
It was a shame you couldn't share the day with Ruth and Tony but I am sure you will get plenty on Moking in over the next 10 days.


Dev (the VERY Jealous)

Going to be busy in '11

Offline Newie

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2010, 11:01:41 PM »
MD - thought about getting The Gnome off it's side in the shed for the photo's but looks no different from last photos and a bit too much else to do ATM. No bacon butties  :(. Forgot actually as I had no guests to share them with. Should have made one up for myself though. Seem sufficiently unhealthy to suit my normal diet.

Dev - Oh, you should be jealous  ;D. After talking Smokey and Swomby out of epic journey, they now have time to come here early :) :) :). Just how early will depend on trailer progress, but we will get a jump start on the others with Round Up activities.
1966 Moke - "The Gnome" Current work in progress
1979 Californian - Going, but a long long long way from roadworthy.
Plus a couple of other garden gnomes for parts

I'm a genius in disguise............It's a bloody good disguise-no one ever suspects a thing

Offline spicemoke

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2010, 11:08:56 PM »
can we have bacon butties at tamworth?? can we, can we can we huh huh????

(noooooooo idea what they are but hae bacon so must be good  ;) ;))
The Phantom 78 Californian
4 seater or two adults and one dog.
Old jungle saying - "When ghost who walks drives - its in a moke"

Offline Newie

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2010, 11:23:23 PM »
Well.... they're a Pommie thing I think, recently made famous by NickoMokeo.

He will be there and there is a big BBQ in the camp kitchen. As it's all BYO food, I'm sure that Nicko will happily help out anyone who brings along some bacon and buns, especially if they bring enough for him.

Have a feeling though that they are just a liberal stack of bacon on a hamburger bun   :D
1966 Moke - "The Gnome" Current work in progress
1979 Californian - Going, but a long long long way from roadworthy.
Plus a couple of other garden gnomes for parts

I'm a genius in disguise............It's a bloody good disguise-no one ever suspects a thing

Offline nickomokeo

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2010, 07:24:28 AM »
I think we will have to do it one morning.

Offline Casper

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2010, 07:38:51 AM »
yes icky, you will  ;D .....mmmmm


1977 Californian and 1972 Mini van in pieces

Offline spicemoke

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Re: IMD Quirindi
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2010, 10:56:11 AM »
happy to bring bacon and buns sound special  :) :)
The Phantom 78 Californian
4 seater or two adults and one dog.
Old jungle saying - "When ghost who walks drives - its in a moke"