Author Topic: IMD Gippsland  (Read 5465 times)

Offline moemoke

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IMD Gippsland
« on: August 24, 2010, 09:12:29 PM »
I have some plans for an IMD event in Gippsland so all we need is some nice weather and some mokes ;).

There are a few options as to where the starting point will be and which way we go, it
will depend on who turns up and the weather.

There are now quite a few moke owners in the area but they are spread over about 100k's,
so hopefully we can entice some of them out of hibernation. I'll contact the ones I know
in the near future and see how far they want to travel and get some ideas of numbers.

If you want to join in or need more info add a post or PM me.

1976 Moke 1275cc, 1974 Moke with Suzuki GTI motor (project), 1976 Moke Project, 1975 Moke rust bucket, 1967 Moke rust bucket

Offline GS MOKE

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Re: IMD Gippsland
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2010, 07:01:19 PM »

I could be interested as it is always nice driving down that way.

GS in Narre

Offline Terry

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Re: IMD Gippsland
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2010, 11:11:13 PM »

Can someone provide me with some details for meeting point and time so ican get into Tracks and on the website.


Offline moemoke

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Re: IMD Gippsland
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2010, 07:36:36 AM »
Where we start from is still being decided as it depends on where the most people are coming from
and who wins the footy  ::)
I'll take a punt and say we'll meet at Old Gippsland (next to McDonalds) in Moe at 9:30am (leaving at 9:45)
with a second meeting point at Yarragon Train station at 10:15 am (leaving at 10:30 or so)
Then we will tour around some local back roads ending up at either Yarragon or Trafalgar at about lunch time.

1976 Moke 1275cc, 1974 Moke with Suzuki GTI motor (project), 1976 Moke Project, 1975 Moke rust bucket, 1967 Moke rust bucket

Offline moemoke

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Re: IMD Gippsland
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2010, 09:41:29 PM »
Well IMD Gippsland was going to be a big affair this year, I had 7 mokes lined up to attend but
2 were no show's, one because of the footy and the other because of floods.
We met new local Moker Walter at the first meeting point then cruised down to Yarragon,
Bob H and Glen G from the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne arrived soon after closly followed by
Geoff in Meane, we chatted for a while, even a local mini guy showed up in his very nice 850 mini
to see how the other half lived ;D.
we then went for a quick drive around some of the nice winding local roads on what turned out to be a glorious day
we finished up dropping in on another new local moker Peter B in Moe who is getting his newly acquired moke back on the road.

Next year will hopefully be a bigger turnout as I know of 4 other mokes in the process of restoration which will hopefully attend.

Unfortunantly I didn't get a descent group shot. Adele did take a bit of video on her phone which is on Youtube

« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 10:05:07 PM by moemoke »

1976 Moke 1275cc, 1974 Moke with Suzuki GTI motor (project), 1976 Moke Project, 1975 Moke rust bucket, 1967 Moke rust bucket