This has come in from Bridget and photos to come once she works out how to drive Windows 7.
Here is a bit about our IMD.
International Moke Day held in Perth was a huge success. We still have
the horrors about the one two years ago where we had just about every type
of bad weather thrown at us. This year was perfect. We had a small but
very enthusiastic group of 10 Mokes meeting at Pioneer Village in Armadale
just south of Perth. After the usual Moke talk and a few adjustments to a
couple of engines and a lot of admiring of other peoples' mokes, we headed
off to Rockingham on the coast south of Fremantle. The run was great and
we didn't loose a single vehicle on the run. One of our group produced a
stubby holder which he said was perfect for the Moke as it stuck to the
flat surface on top of the panier box beside the driver but lo and behold
it fell off while driving along. (This incurred a fine)
We were able to park on the pavement right in front of the lunchtime cafe
so could keep an eye on the many admirers checking out the unusual cars.
After lunch we decided to go up to Fremantle and do a couple of bog laps
along the famous Cappuccino Strip just becuase we could. This was
brilliant as we were able to bunch up and travel along the 100 metre strip
really slowly. A lot of photos were taken of us and a lot of waves.
We regrouped in front of the museum and said our farewells before driving
home. We couldn't understand why there weren't a lot more Mokes out but I
suppose it is a public holiday weekend (Queen's Birthday), Royal show and
school holidays so 10 Mokes are still a great amount and the owners were
the best.
Bridget Hogarth